Petr Wajsar
is a composer as well as a bass-guitar player and a vocalist. He studied composition at the Prague Conservatory under Milan Svoboda
(popular music) and the Jaroslav Ježek Conservatory under Stanislav Jelínek (jazz), and classical composition under Prof. Václav Riedlbauch
at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AMU). He has composed concert music for BERG Orchestra, Epoque Quartet, Agon Orchestra,
the Hradec Králové Philharmonic, and others. In addition, he heads the group HI-FI and is a member of the vocal sextet Skety, which won gold
at the International A Cappella Competition Vokal Total 2014 in Graz, Austria. He has written music for the ballet Maryša, the musical Pornstars,
for recent productions of Hamlet (Švandovo Theater, 2013) and The Life of the Insects (National Theater, 2014), and for feature and documentary
films. Wajsar won the Public’s Choice Prize in the 2008 NUBERG competition and the NUBERG Grand Prize in 2013.
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