Jan Dušek East and West / music for silent film
Premiere: Spanish Synagogue, October 15, 2012
Start playing the film. Switch the sound off. Watch. One minute, two, ten… Your mouth falls open; your eyes do the opposite. A whole hour left. You ponder what to do, how to keep yourself entertained. Half an hour remains. You let out a deep, slow breath. You wake up and find out that the film, thank God, is over. Congratulations, if you’ve managed to follow the instructions up to this point, you have experienced what the composer went through when he put the silent film on for the first time knowing he had to write music for it.
PLEASE NOTE: you are listening to a live recording from the premiere
The silent movie East and West with new music by Jan Dušek was premiered within CINEGOGA 2012 project organized in collaboration with the Jewish Museum of Prague.
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